Special Web Class Training
How I Lost 20 lbs in 30 Days WITHOUT Feeling Uncomfortably Hungry or Working Out!
Discover the 3 Secrets of How I Was Able to Do It..
secret 1
How I was able to drop 20 lbs in 30 days, the science behind it, and how it works in the body...

secret 2
Why it WORKED even though the last 5 -8 programs I tried didn’t, and how with this one I was able to keep the weight off!..

secret 3
Why I believe this solution is far safer than using chemical prescription drugs, surgery, or other methods for losing weight, and why I believe there's been an agenda against it…

Welcome To My World
About Lucie
Lucie Allaire is founder of Body Renew Life, an accountability weight loss health coaching company. She is certified health coach that specializes in coaching others through a specific medical weight loss protocol that changed her life 10 years ago.  After being victorious in her own transformation and conquering life battles, she is passionate about coaching and helping others do the same.
30 Days to a Renewed Body, Mind, & Life!
With Lucie You Get 4-Coaches-in-1!
  • Weight Loss Coach
  • Mindset Coach
  • Health Coach
  • Fitness Coach: 
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